Friday, March 16, 2012


Location : Marina Trench,Challenger Deep.
Depth : 11,000 m.
Pressure : 1000 atmospheres.

At the frigid bottoms of Earth’s ocean trenches, scientists have discovered life-forms where they once thought none could survive. From gelatinous animals called holothurians to shrimp-like creatures named amphipods, the animals of the deep can quickly start to resemble alien beings. But they live here, on planet Earth.Scientists are particularly interested in the microorganisms that may be found in the Challenger Deep. Analyzing how deep-sea microbes survive could impact biomedicine and biotechnology.They also can feed upon hydrocarbons such as methane or various oils. Some of these creatures have membranes high in omega-3 fatty acids, which prevent the animals from freezing. Studying everything from how their membranes operate to how they replicate their DNA could lead to more discoveriesStudying life in the extreme environment of the Challenger Deep could also provide insight into how life might survive on other planets. The cold, high-pressure, low-to-no-light conditions of the Mariana Trench are similar in some respects to conditions thought to exist elsewhere in the solar system, such as on some icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn. The temperature and pressure conditions at the Challenger Deep are comparable to what scientists think any life would have to tolerate deep within Europa’s ocean.

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